Wednesday, September 9, 2009


As I was wondering what to do here... I intend to search some new songs to be downloaded. So, as usual browsing and I made my way to find new songs. Then came a thought that alang2 dh tgh crik nk try crik lgu yg de psl ramadhan.. nk crik mne2 yg sdp leh download gak.. and there was it. 3 tabs, one for english songs at mp3raid, one for song prehear at myflashfetish, and one for ramadhan songs at mp3 raid. As I am searching the songs, I found out everytime I try to browse bout ramadhan songs everything went very2 smooth like never before, instead of those other from ramadhan songs, get stuck everytime, except for some songs which has no dirty lyrics. Weird huh? Well, maybe there something behind this and what I know, let's strive our best for this last few days before the time is up. A chance should not be let go as we not sure we will get it again. Always reflect ourself. When we ever think of god? All the time? Selawat ke atas nabi everytime we hear his name because bear in mind he bkn sebarangan, he is the leader of the world. Peace.