
All the days were great until 27th of December 2008. The day where people thought the worst day of their life, going to PLKN. Haha. It hard for me to adapt myself there
and im still didnt completely adapt myself even till the last day.. I think.. hehe. I started reported in at Selayang (Stadium MPS) and ride the bus for 5 hour trip to Segari, Lumut, Perak. There that the pic. But we didn't actually see this as our first sight of the camp because we use the private route and of course the most beloved landmark of our camp.....
CB class finally over. Then came our next class. Integration class. hoho integration? still cannot seperate from me since I enter the most beloved school with Intregation in its name also. haha. So, this class was an extension. We learn about
religions and responsibilities about our own community and each races. The final day we were asked to make presentation
involving a demonstration of marriage for malay, chinese and indian. Everybody was welcomed to join any of those three especially different kind of races. I only joined the malays since I still did't get it clear about mine.. haha.(sndrinyer x reti nk blaja org len pye lak). I tried to find the simplest character ever so I finally got the
responsibilities to be the.. err.. 'saksi'. haha. back on acting stage again but so sad it just ended in a few minutes only. huhu.
And then came the nationality class. My first thought that we have to learn our country history. (oh no! sejarah? damn.. freaking lots of memories there.. sweet.. tense.. the moment we learned together.. huhu). But that's not it. We learn what importance in a country and our responsibilities through the groups activities.
Wednesday! The day we can go out from the camp. It is called.. err.. Community Service (Khidmat community). Some of us get the chance to go for it three times but most of us only got two times including me due to the clashes within the shooting activities. My first trip with 39 other classmates was to go to the TLDM Fire Station. We learn steps on fire emergencies and take a look around
the station. But the most unforgetable moment is to slide down on the pole which been a trademark for any fire station. At first I was scared not because of its heigth(but honestly tinggi la gak) but I was afraid that I will lose my grip and slammed on the things nearby. But actually it's hard to lose your grip because once I manage to hug the pole tight, I felt really confideent and slide down
handed. haha.
The second trip was going to the pink guava factory which are the biggest pink guava farm in Asia. 500 hectares. All we can see was guava, guava and guava.
I ate a lot of guava there since it's free of charge and I dunno what else to do except eat, eat and eat. And then we came bak from the camp I had to go to the toilet frequently.. hahaha! :p
Shooting.. excited? of course. Especially I'm the one who left handed in my group or we called detail. We were divided in the detail consist of three boys and 3 girls.. or precisely.. heroes and heroe.. ins??(drugs) haha..
So it's a very unforgetable experienc
e bu
t I'm not satisfied with my result because I just got 45 over 100. (x gne tol). The m-16 is rusty lo.

So.. came the last section of physical modules.. the 'wira jaya'.. we h
ad to walk towards our starting points, carrying the freaking heavy haversacks(almost 20 kg it think) which have our equipments inside for about 2 kilometers before going through the rainforest for another 2 to 3 kilometres.
I was given the authority to guide my team/kompeni using the compass.. so it means I'm who needs to go through spiders webs and leeches before anyone else gets it. huhu. So the result is? 15 holes of leeches bites of course. My pants was freaking bloody like I was just got back from a civil war.
We move in a long line so members can see each other. After we reached our ending point(2nd kompeni to got there)
we have our break on move on about a few kilometers towards our cooking area. So there everyone show their cooking talent in cooking rice, sardines, onions and saltfish. But I the fun thing was I 'rembat' some girls ayam and eat it with my group. haha (ntah mane la dyorang dpt ayam 2).
And then we move on towards our campsite. Along the way we must build a stretcher and decide somenone to be the sick person. I'm didn't help much since I'm kind of tired but still I took a high determination to gave my shoulder for the support of carrying it and honestly, ergh. the pain and numb. You can't imagine. My shoulder like wanna come off. ergh..
So at the campsite, we build our tents or 'poco' and my hand was swollen because of it since I really don't care bout rest and wanna work, work, work. So then we cook our dinner but haha.. we had to cook our ricec two times because the first rice didn't have enough water.(water supplies dh abes lo. mls nk g amek lg. dh le jauh). So the two days one night camp ended and we head off back.. exhausted!

Marching competition.. My team got last... haha.. but don't care because we had done our best and we skipped the statics which have lots of marks there. But overall we done was respected but still it's quite a some sort of unfavourable condition for our coaches.. (teringat mcm incident kt skool dlu).
......The Dindings...... the flour factory.. (hoho.. kdg2 nmpk cam Hogwarts.. especially time malam).

<--awal2 lagi dah tulis.. huhu..

<--awal2 lagi dah tulis.. huhu..
Well here some description
of what happen there and you might be interested to do so. At the beginning of the days, we were tought about the rules and everthing that were kinda
sucks but actually that what make our life there a memorable thing. Some of it we have to move in groups everywhere we. Whenever we going to eat, pray or sumthing, first thing, line up or simple words... kawad.. ergh. The main priority here
was unity where we must discriminate racism instead of discriminating by rac
e. haha. So even when we eat, the table must have at least three kind of races which is.. you know.. malay, chinese and indian. (tapi spe nk ikut.. haha.. pedas gak r telinge asyik kne sound psl ni).

At the registration we were classified into our groups what we
called "kompeni' and I was in kompeni Charlie and stayed in the dorm Tun Saban. I was like..... ..blur like that... -_-... haha.. but I just kept a cool face even I dunno what to do next. I went into my dor
m to unpacked my baggage and it really frustrating me to find a good locker because most ot the lockers were freaking hideous and damaged. -_-' At registration, the last thing we had to do to find our size for the uniform or much more familiar to be called "baju yg di isu" haha. So I got my size and went to the logistic to pick up the baju yg di isu and foolishly I didn't realize that I get tough so fast so my shirts were a bit small (cover xreti pilih baju.. haha.. jrg la g beli bju).
Like in this pic, this is called the "baju pt yg di isu" (time ni tgh men takraw n cikgu tibe2 merayau2 tngkp gmbr ktrg.. haha)
This is called 'baju kelas', ordirnary uniform for classes, visitors meetings and outings(nk g smayang jumaat un pkai bju ni) 
(pic ni time my family visit, the 2nd week.haha. muke tgh over mnghadapi kesinglean.... huhu)---------------------------------------->
The last one is of course, as everybody knows.. the 'Full Loreng/ Celoreng penuh(yuck)'.. haha...... This uniform is the smartest but yet the most unfavourable because it takes time to wear that thing. The accessories= Inner loreng, Seluar loreng, Underw***, Baju loreng, Belt, Spike boot, Getah spike boot, Beret, Sunblock (optional.. haha).
Well the first week we got a test. Blip test. The test where we have to run alternating from end to another end according to the blip sound. It have 10 stages, and of course, it get faster from stage to stage. Get it? Its like 'blip' and u must run to the other end of the net ball court and then 'blip' again quickly run back toward the other end (ulang alik) and the time range between the blips get faster and faster. We do it under a hot sunny day, freaking hot until I was dehydrated just waiting for my turn and I only got 3.6 for it.
After that the earth was spinning like..... ergh.. and I almost fainted but I keep my body stand straight. huhu......
At night we must queued up at the padang kawad and most of the time.. erm.. no.. everytime there is no ad placec to be besides padang kawad where we have to properly checked so the strenght will not decreasing or probably.. increasing?.. who knows.. Daily checked = 6.30 a.m (formal assembly before morning exercise (pt) except weekends) 8.30 a.m (classes except weekends) 3.30 p.m (physical module) 5.00 p.m (riadah) 9.00 p.m (random activities except thuhrsday and friday, we got kelas kerohanian). Physical modules is the best, yet the most exhausting moment of the day. At first we have to learn how to kawad (eventhough some of us already know) but not all of us. So sometimes it a bit frustating seeing our teammates kept doing the same mistakes
over and over a
gain. But amazingly, we still can work as a team and forget about all of that. This how the assembly looks like. The leader of the kompeni will stand at the front while the assistant will stand at the back. The leader must carefully calculated the kompeni strength to be reported to the overall leader (ketue keseluruhan) and from day to day they kept swifting shift for the tasks between those leaders.
Promotion (that it's called I think).. only the leaders (including the assistants) know how it feels.. Happy? Frustrated? P
issed off? Dissapointed? Proud? Only the leaders can tell..
well for us the ordinary ones, we just sit back and enjoy the show. In the middle of a freaking hot sunny day of course. Where we spend most of the time here.. haha.. well congrats to the leaders they actually have
done their job very well. (Wei Theng tengok tak puas hati je kat blakang tu.. haha)
(Here2.. here is your pic.. hepi now?hahaaha)
well for us the ordinary ones, we just sit back and enjoy the show. In the middle of a freaking hot sunny day of course. Where we spend most of the time here.. haha.. well congrats to the leaders they actually have
done their job very well. (Wei Theng tengok tak puas hati je kat blakang tu.. haha)
Our classes... the first main class is calles 'Character Building class' or kelas CB. For an optimististic person, they will see this class was very important as it teach you to be like a person should be. But for some reason
most of us thinked that the activities there are very childish and unacceptable for us that think we are too 'mature' to do all those things like dancing or making stupid moves like a crazy guy or something. And I don't think you can understand it
unless you experienced it yourself or if you want me to demonstrate to you no problem.. haha.. ^_^. It fun, yet memorable but the most important thing I am really appreciating it because I learn to juggle there. haha. Weird isn't it? So if you any of us (plkners)
are given three balls.. automatically we change ourself into juggling red nose clowns..haha.. because we all have to learn how to juggle. hoho..
most of us thinked that the activities there are very childish and unacceptable for us that think we are too 'mature' to do all those things like dancing or making stupid moves like a crazy guy or something. And I don't think you can understand it
unless you experienced it yourself or if you want me to demonstrate to you no problem.. haha.. ^_^. It fun, yet memorable but the most important thing I am really appreciating it because I learn to juggle there. haha. Weird isn't it? So if you any of us (plkners)
are given three balls.. automatically we change ourself into juggling red nose clowns..haha.. because we all have to learn how to juggle. hoho..
Blood donation program.
. a program held by the Manjung Hos
pital.. or better portable blood donating center.. haha.. it was done in our 'bilik rehat'.. at first I wanted to join but my parents and I didn't know how to fill the forms so I just thinking to cancel it.. haha.. but then last minute call.. one of my class teacher asked me to donate to using the coaches signature so without hesitation I joined. haha. blood lost! argh!
Evening... ah.. the great time for us to enjoy ourself after all the hard work.. Mostly I just join the circles of takraw players.. I mean there will be many people gather in a circle playing takraw. There.. we only can play takraw, volleyball, basketball, futsal, netball(for girls), some indoor games and..... rugby (not originated from the camp).
There was one day I play volleyball and fell down beside the drain... almost get into it.. haha... but my knees.. ergh.. damn bloody.. but I'm insisted to go for a treatment but my friends told me to do so. Luckily when I got there the staff were absent.. haha.. I'm save.. hate to go to the doctor lo..
(but want to be a doctor.. sengal.. hehe..) Despite of that I suffered for to weeks with my own treatment.. of course we just a piece of cloth to cover it.... It's not I wanted to hurt myself but I don't want to miss a single activity there since if we got sick we will be given a day off according how bad it is.
Module physicals get more interesting from day to day... At first were just a frustrating moment for physical modules because we have to learn kawad under the beloved superhot sun.. and of course.. the unforgetable TTS (temput tanpa senjata/melee/unarmed assault.. haha). It's developed by the korean army for our nation armed force or it is called
taekwondo. What to we do and learn? Nothing but to stay under the sun with our feet doing horse2/steed2/stallion2/pony2 (kekude.. hehe), learning punching, blocking and kicking butts.
And the exciting moments of modules physical has finally come. The water activities hoho. We have a theory class before we
got ourself into the saltwater. Then the water confident section. Meaning we
have to immersed ourself into the water wearing the pfd (personal floating device/ the orange thingy where people always wear them to help them float). Or in other words berendam macam badak air dalam laut.
In my time I was brought to the shore before everyone else. You know why? because I wore the orange thingy incorrectly. Mine was totally different from the others where the stupid 'tali geli'(the one that hold across our kangkangs so the thing won't left us sink while its float.. I mean we slipped out like removing our shirts.. And the next day was the day
to show our comprehension skills in theory classes about rafting and kayaking. Rafting is quite enjoyable but still it makes me pissed off since only a few of us that giving full comitment and energy to row the freaking heavy thing (10 people on board.. 8 rowmens.. 4 left 4 right.. I'm at the front right). It actually need a teamwork.. rowing at the same time
according to the leader's voice but just me and a few of us foll
ows. ergh. And then me and my friend were really pissed off about it and we decided to release our tense by kayaking as fast as we could and finally we made bout 4 almost five rounds around the area instead of others who just bout 2 to 3.. haha
<-- this is called Patrick Star bile kena campak ke darat/ flying starfish. Bygkn la perasaan korang kne ikut macam kt sbelah kanan ni.
There was one day I play volleyball and fell down beside the drain... almost get into it.. haha... but my knees.. ergh.. damn bloody.. but I'm insisted to go for a treatment but my friends told me to do so. Luckily when I got there the staff were absent.. haha.. I'm save.. hate to go to the doctor lo..
(but want to be a doctor.. sengal.. hehe..) Despite of that I suffered for to weeks with my own treatment.. of course we just a piece of cloth to cover it.... It's not I wanted to hurt myself but I don't want to miss a single activity there since if we got sick we will be given a day off according how bad it is.
Module physicals get more interesting from day to day... At first were just a frustrating moment for physical modules because we have to learn kawad under the beloved superhot sun.. and of course.. the unforgetable TTS (temput tanpa senjata/melee/unarmed assault.. haha). It's developed by the korean army for our nation armed force or it is called
taekwondo. What to we do and learn? Nothing but to stay under the sun with our feet doing horse2/steed2/stallion2/pony2 (kekude.. hehe), learning punching, blocking and kicking butts.
And the exciting moments of modules physical has finally come. The water activities hoho. We have a theory class before we
In my time I was brought to the shore before everyone else. You know why? because I wore the orange thingy incorrectly. Mine was totally different from the others where the stupid 'tali geli'(the one that hold across our kangkangs so the thing won't left us sink while its float.. I mean we slipped out like removing our shirts.. And the next day was the day
to show our comprehension skills in theory classes about rafting and kayaking. Rafting is quite enjoyable but still it makes me pissed off since only a few of us that giving full comitment and energy to row the freaking heavy thing (10 people on board.. 8 rowmens.. 4 left 4 right.. I'm at the front right). It actually need a teamwork.. rowing at the same time
according to the leader's voice but just me and a few of us foll
<-- this is called Patrick Star bile kena campak ke darat/ flying starfish. Bygkn la perasaan korang kne ikut macam kt sbelah kanan ni.
Everybody was pleased to come especially our parents because there will so
me competition involving them. I was involved in the silent march(kawad senyap) where no
voice command is involve. It's actually move according the platun leader stomping so we have to remember every single steps we have to do for each stomps. But in that time our leader uncapable to stomp hard enough so she used voice command 'up' as its subtitute. The first formation was a casastrophy but we manage to get the bea
t back for
the next 4 formations. The most magnificence s
how in this day is the flying fox glides by our coaches. They perform magnifico tricks that truly caught up everybody's eyes.
After that the next physical modules is the high rope(tali tinggi.. hehe). It consist of flying fox, absailing(dunno the spelling.. its the thing usually used when going down from a helicoter using a rope) and the thingy where people go down from a building by hopping on t
he walls down and down(forgot its name.. hehe). But we only manage to do flying fox due to lack of time
Plus, I didn't get my satisfactory doing the flying fox because my speed was freaking slow and not thrilling at all.. huhu.
We also have low rope(tali rendah.. hahaha). It consist of simple activity but still quite challenging. Those activities are undescriable because I didn't found any pictures of them. sorry.
voice command is involve. It's actually move according the platun leader stomping so we have to remember every single steps we have to do for each stomps. But in that time our leader uncapable to stomp hard enough so she used voice command 'up' as its subtitute. The first formation was a casastrophy but we manage to get the bea
the next 4 formations. The most magnificence s
After that the next physical modules is the high rope(tali tinggi.. hehe). It consist of flying fox, absailing(dunno the spelling.. its the thing usually used when going down from a helicoter using a rope) and the thingy where people go down from a building by hopping on t
Plus, I didn't get my satisfactory doing the flying fox because my speed was freaking slow and not thrilling at all.. huhu.
We also have low rope(tali rendah.. hahaha). It consist of simple activity but still quite challenging. Those activities are undescriable because I didn't found any pictures of them. sorry.
Kembara halangan... ahh.. trademark of plkn... 9 differrent challenges... 1 will be the winner.. haha.. joking... so first we have to go across the swinging bridge hoho.. beneath it? of course pool full of tadpoles and frog eggs... and then the six feet wall... I was scolded here because didn't follow the procedure.. haha.. already used to climbings lo.. don't care... and then the goat bridge(titi kambeng)... then the monkey rack.. then the tarzan swing.. and then the tunnel.. second last the thorny wires and lastly for boys only.. the 12 feet wall...
CB class finally over. Then came our next class. Integration class. hoho integration? still cannot seperate from me since I enter the most beloved school with Intregation in its name also. haha. So, this class was an extension. We learn about
involving a demonstration of marriage for malay, chinese and indian. Everybody was welcomed to join any of those three especially different kind of races. I only joined the malays since I still did't get it clear about mine.. haha.(sndrinyer x reti nk blaja org len pye lak). I tried to find the simplest character ever so I finally got the
responsibilities to be the.. err.. 'saksi'. haha. back on acting stage again but so sad it just ended in a few minutes only. huhu.
And then came the nationality class. My first thought that we have to learn our country history. (oh no! sejarah? damn.. freaking lots of memories there.. sweet.. tense.. the moment we learned together.. huhu). But that's not it. We learn what importance in a country and our responsibilities through the groups activities.
Wednesday! The day we can go out from the camp. It is called.. err.. Community Service (Khidmat community). Some of us get the chance to go for it three times but most of us only got two times including me due to the clashes within the shooting activities. My first trip with 39 other classmates was to go to the TLDM Fire Station. We learn steps on fire emergencies and take a look around
the station. But the most unforgetable moment is to slide down on the pole which been a trademark for any fire station. At first I was scared not because of its heigth(but honestly tinggi la gak) but I was afraid that I will lose my grip and slammed on the things nearby. But actually it's hard to lose your grip because once I manage to hug the pole tight, I felt really confideent and slide down
handed. haha.
The second trip was going to the pink guava factory which are the biggest pink guava farm in Asia. 500 hectares. All we can see was guava, guava and guava.
I ate a lot of guava there since it's free of charge and I dunno what else to do except eat, eat and eat. And then we came bak from the camp I had to go to the toilet frequently.. hahaha! :p
Shooting.. excited? of course. Especially I'm the one who left handed in my group or we called detail. We were divided in the detail consist of three boys and 3 girls.. or precisely.. heroes and heroe.. ins??(drugs) haha..
So.. came the last section of physical modules.. the 'wira jaya'.. we h
I was given the authority to guide my team/kompeni using the compass.. so it means I'm who needs to go through spiders webs and leeches before anyone else gets it. huhu. So the result is? 15 holes of leeches bites of course. My pants was freaking bloody like I was just got back from a civil war.
We move in a long line so members can see each other. After we reached our ending point(2nd kompeni to got there)
And then we move on towards our campsite. Along the way we must build a stretcher and decide somenone to be the sick person. I'm didn't help much since I'm kind of tired but still I took a high determination to gave my shoulder for the support of carrying it and honestly, ergh. the pain and numb. You can't imagine. My shoulder like wanna come off. ergh..
So at the campsite, we build our tents or 'poco' and my hand was swollen because of it since I really don't care bout rest and wanna work, work, work. So then we cook our dinner but haha.. we had to cook our ricec two times because the first rice didn't have enough water.(water supplies dh abes lo. mls nk g amek lg. dh le jauh). So the two days one night camp ended and we head off back.. exhausted!
Marching competition.. My team got last... haha.. but don't care because we had done our best and we skipped the statics which have lots of marks there. But overall we done was respected but still it's quite a some sort of unfavourable condition for our coaches.. (teringat mcm incident kt skool dlu).
Some short programs are held like seminar or something. And one of them was kesusateraan something like that. ergh... the last day of the program we had to put out a show and I act as the silat warrior.. silat lagenda.. wacha!!
So the day before our return there was and closing day just like the opening day but slightly different because we had to stand for almost 2 hours for the assembly, speeches and award ceremony. Then came the exciting moments.. the show.. and for the second time I'm involved in the silent march but this time we tried the stomping thing. And its turned out to be a dissapointment because the was some misunderstanding
with the leaders intetion. Only we knows. haha.. and the flying fox.. Its involve some of us also. The night we have a ceremony before everyone left earlt in the morning the next day.
with the leaders intetion. Only we knows. haha.. and the flying fox.. Its involve some of us also. The night we have a ceremony before everyone left earlt in the morning the next day.
So thats all from now.. there still more but too much maybe until next year won't finish.. haha..
nice story bro
ReplyDeletenever thought PLKN could be this fun...
ReplyDeletei LOVE the PATRICK STAR!
sound cute, BUT scary~haha
ReplyDeleteso..u ar my senior..
im in siri8....4 the 1st group..
oh.. nice to meet you nana.. thanks