Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hands are a surgeon's life..

As I play with balls, juggling them since it been a while, so the balls get off from my grip and fall to the ground. I tried to catch it as fast as I could, but my hand ended up colliding with the edge of a door instead. A slice of wood pierced into the flesh under my nails, resulting in an internal haemorhage in my nails. Ah, some of the blood got onto the ball so I quickly let them go so they will not get stained. I washed the wound and tried to play back, but I couldn't. I gave up. So, no more hand-involving games for me, and most importantly... guitar no more.. argh...

1 comment:

  1. sabar jek la an~
    2 la..len kali men 2 sdar diri sket..
    jgn asek nk dive jek..kihkih..
